Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Meet the Radmakers

Last week, Margaret and Harold Radmaker (the sole owners of the house we're buying) had us over to their place to see whether we were interested in any of their furniture. As it turned out, we were not. However, it was a perfect chance to see our new house again and hear all of Margaret's stories. She and Harold have raised all their kids there her daughter still lives near by. Margaret showed us all the different places her grandkids would hide. Totally fun!

While I had some ideas on different 'home projects' that I think would be fun, Paula and I didn't feel comfortable discussing all of that during our visit and taking lots of photos of the interior. However, our realtor Jim, was nice enough to grab some great photos of the front and back yards. Here's a little taster of what we're getting ourselves into. You'll also get to see some of Margaret's 100+ bird houses. She knows when, who, and how she got each one.

Apparently, Margeret and Harold planted a pear tree (no jokes, please), a bing cherry tree, and another variety of cherry (some kind of European cultivar). Not to mention all the other shrubs that we're going to have fun maintaing...


Mike Fiechtner June 10, 2009 at 8:47 AM  

I can imagine the "furniture" they wanted you to consider....it's probably as old as the house! If you guys ever need any help with projects or tools let us know!

McDolan June 10, 2009 at 4:51 PM  

I'm "surprised" you did want any of their furniture :) also are they leaving you ALL those bird house?
The poor yard which is well maintained now, I give it a month with Maddie digging holes...

Unknown April 2, 2011 at 11:26 PM  

I am one of those grandkids that used to hide under the stairs. I happened upon your blog when looking for some other information. I'm glad to see a little part of the family that bought their house. I know they were very happy with the couple moving in.
(PS - I totally understand the pink tile issue.)

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