Choose Our Own Adventure
Paula has given me perhaps 10 different itineraries on where we should go for the next 10 or so days we have to spend in Greece. The problem is that there's too much to see. I mean, do we want to spend much of our time traveling around the Peloponnese penisula and see places like Napflio (Matt Diggs, Patricia Lenssen, and Joel/Denice Saxman loved it), make our way to the Ionian Islands to see Kephelonia (Mike/Katie Matesky loved it so much and their photos were beautiful), or go to Crete (a HUGE island with reportedly the friendlist people, located further south with warmer weather, and Zeus was born in a cave there). See what I mean? Too many choices.
So, we're taking our dilemna to you... Please vote in our pole on the right-hand side of our blog.
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